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Anti-Violence Services - Childhood Abuse


Child sexual abuse is when an adult uses their power and influence over a child to make them take part in or perform sexual acts with the abuser or others.

Even though there's now a wider recognition that child sexual abuse exists, some gay and bisexual men who were sexually abused as children still feel unable to admit to themselves or others that it happened. As boys and then men they've had to learn to exist with the pain and experiences of what happened to them, alone.

Child sexual abuse may remain unacknowledged for years. This can have an effect, both emotional and physical, on how men interact with others and the world around them.

Emotionally, men who were sexually abused as children may have difficulty trusting people enough to form and maintain relationships. Abuse destroys trust: an adult they knew or trusted betrayed them by behaving or making them behave in a sexual way.

Emotional scars may be deep-seated and long-term. Men who've been sexually abused can experience low self-esteem; feelings of guilt; shame; embarrassment; self-loathing; attempted suicide or self-harm.

What you can do about it

Talking to someone about what happened to you as a child is maybe something you've thought about. But the fear and shame of what happened may have prevented you from doing so.

Taking that first step which will help you to try and look at your experiences is one of the hardest things you may ever have to do. The idea of exploring the pain and hurt you feel may seem very scary, but the counsellor will try to create a safe and supportive environment for you. This may enable you to acknowledge your past and move forward.