Mental Health Definition

There is no one-size-fits-all definition of mental health-it is as unique and multifaceted as each of us. Yet, grappling with mental health is a normal response to the abnormal circumstances we encounter in a stressful world.

Mental health transcends mere absence of illness. It is about achieving equilibrium, resilience, and inner tranquillity amidst the inevitable ebbs and flows of life. It entails embracing our emotions and mastering their navigation with grace and compassion.

Consider this: If your blood pressure strayed from the normal range or if you had a broken bone or a fever, you would not dismiss it, hoping it resolves itself. Mental health, however, is not always as apparent, and there is no clear-cut definition of "normal." Furthermore, the societal pressure to conform to a perceived norm in the UK, often causes trauma which, in turn, hinders mental health.

Unveiling Mental Wellness: A Holistic Approach to Well-being

Trauma disconnects a person from themselves so it becomes more difficult for them to know what is good for them. However, there are holistic ways to become more resilient and take care of yourself. Prioritize sleep and exercise for mood-boosting endorphins. Eat a balanced diet rich in veggies, and whole grains. Practice mindfulness and go outside to reduce stress. Stay hydrated to maintain mood. Limit screen time and socialize for support.

If you are in the UK find a volunteer opportunity but set boundaries to avoid burnout. Practice self-compassion and seek help when needed, which is a sign of strength. Remember, improving mental wellness is a daily journey.

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health in Our Community

Addressing barriers to mental health support in the UK is crucial as many people refrain from seeking help when it could greatly benefit them. Combatting stigma and fostering inclusivity in mental health services are essential steps in this direction.

For people vulnerable to trauma due to discrimination or violence, the presence of trauma-informed therapists is crucial. These professionals offer respectful, compassionate, and empowering care, acknowledging the profound impact of trauma. Alarming rates of suicide attempts and self-harm among LGBTQIA+ people in the UK, as revealed in a Stonewall report, emphasize the critical necessity for such therapists.

For additional information on mental health or our services, please contact us at